'学中文-食物 Part 1| Learn Chinese - Food | Aprender Chino - La Comida'

05:28 Sep 19, 2021
'VOCABULARIES FOR KIDS, focus on Pronunciation and Writing so kids can be familiar with Chinese Characters. The idea of this serie is to cover Basic Words by Themes:  ANIMALS: https://youtu.be/BuFWrgDVeis SEA ANIMALS: https://youtu.be/yY2tYQ1-auE FOREST ANIMALS 2: https://youtu.be/RS5IeMYpIBA FOREST ANIMALS PART 1: https://youtu.be/lEj6HtwbSeM BUGS/INSECTS: https://youtu.be/458qFJKOjLE  VEGETABLES: https://youtu.be/EGxIcQRTidw FRUITS: https://youtu.be/lkGcsVyKbgA FOOD: https://youtu.be/Z43t5GB1nIA FOOD 2: https://youtu.be/3dBar3dsXwk FOOD 3: https://youtu.be/8-ncXLwcKFc  COLORS: https://youtu.be/CFLQXHxWtzM NUMBERS: https://youtu.be/CAkcDpfOhz4  FAMILY MEMBERS: https://youtu.be/RWk6K3sLRWs  VEHICLES: https://youtu.be/rmPVviMp4IA INSTRUMENTS: https://youtu.be/eY8wXd2QfgI WEATHER: https://youtu.be/iZ9VP2ansh8 CLOTHES: https://youtu.be/fuJE9yzMw7w TABLEWARE: https://youtu.be/BXMYA6mGz90 SPORTS/BALL GAMES: https://youtu.be/QwK6rnsTSwU  WHAT IS IT? - FRUIT: https://youtu.be/XxlFbno0d88 WHAT IS IT? - ANIMALS: https://youtu.be/0kdZb7SJxeY  To make your own flashcards, please go visit To make your own flashcards, please go visit SUPERCUCOS.COM or search SUPERCUCOSKIDS in FACEBOOK to download the material. In this video, you can learn how to say and write ¨Cookies, Milk, Chocolate, Egg, Bread, Cake, Candies and Yogurt¨ in Chinese mandarin. The pronunciation, pinyin and characters. 学习”饼干,牛奶,巧克力,鸡蛋,面包,蛋糕,糖果,酸奶“的汉语普通话的发音,拼音和文字书写。欢迎到我的网页或脸书下载素材,制作自己的识字卡片。 Aprender las pronunciaciones, pinyin y los símbolos simplificados de diferentes comidas. Descargar las plantillas en mi sitio web o en facebook para hacer las tarjetas de vocabulario.' 

Tags: kids , fun , Beginners , Cartoon , animation , educational , children , toddlers , animación , flashcards , chinese characters , 动画 , 卡通 , 中文 , 儿童 , 少儿 , 学前 , 教育 , animados , 汉语 , 小孩 , 小朋友 , Starters , educativo , dibujos , chino mandarin , 发音 , chinese mandarin , 普通话 , 幼教 , 宝宝 , 识字 , 拼音 , 读音 , 启蒙 , 认字 , 写字 , 书法 , 笔画 , 笔顺 , chinese writing , chino para niños , infantiles , escritura china , caligrafía , vocabularios

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